Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pumpkin Spice Latte Season 2012

Happy Pumpkin Spice Latte Season Everyone! Haha This should really be a season! :) I have definitely been excited about lattes. But really... Since June, quite a bit has happened. At the zoo, we have had quite the excting last 3 months! We had three red panda cubs born and a giraffe calf. One red panda cub didn't make it since it wasn't fully developed. The other two have been going strong! They are both beautiful and constantly growing. I wasn't able to tell anyone about them until after they were formally announced by the zoo. So sorry I couldn't say anything in my last post. Then the giraffe calf was a surprise. Libby, our oldest (13 yr old) giraffe, is the mother to a male calf. He was born on Sept. 2nd. We had all agreed that she was getting rounder and rounder. She even began to waddle. I didn't think that was possible for a 13 foot plus giraffe to do! They do fecal tests on giraffe fecals to see if they are prego. The test said that she wasn't pregnant... how wrong it was! She gave birth to a six foot, 147 lb baby boy! (no pics on my computer yet, but maybe next time!) Other than the zoo, things are pretty busy. I joined a basketball team, in which I learned that I know absolutely nothing about the game! haha so let's just say I'm the weakest link of the team, but I try! haha! Besides that we just finished up a kickball season, and I joined soccer again. I am on the same team as before. That game actually makes sense now! So hopefully I will get the hang of basketball too! Marty is getting so big! He is in the beginner obedience class with the American Kennel Club. He had a rough first two weeks after having a break from Puppy Kindegarten class. He is getting so handsome the older he gets! There are better pics on facebook. When I can upload pics off of my phone, I don't always put my pics on my computer right away. My niece, Amelia, turned 9 today. I can't believe it! I feel old. haha Miss all of my nieces and my nephew all the time. Thank goodness that Nate has an adorable nephew, Micah, who I get to help watch each week. He is precious and will be 2 in December. What else to tell? Nate and I went to the apple orchard! Thank goodness since that is a Fall tradition! It was a lot of fun and still have a billion apples to use up! haha If you ever need a new snack, try apples dipped in peanut butter/apple butter mixed. It is delicious! OH! I joined a hip hop class at a dance studio here. I am the oldest one, but I don't care. I keep up with all of the teens, and I keep getting asked what high school I go to... haha! And when I tell them, "Sure I'm 18 with a college degree..." They respond with "Oh so you're like 22?" BAHAHAHAHAHA yes! lmao Cracks me up! But it's fun, hip hop and keeps me active. I take the class after a full class of zumba, where my friend is the instructor. She definitely keeps our butts moving! I'm feeling so good now that I'm staying active. I have even lost weight! Not that you'd be able to tell, but I can definitely feel it! I'm watching my calories etc. People at work ask why. I just want to see if I can get down to where I want to. I'm at a weight that's even less than my high school weight! Go me haha. My birthday was good. I spent the day shopping, and a friend met me to get our nails done. Nate's family and I went out for Texas Roadhouse for supper! It was so yummy! My parents came up on Sunday, the 2nd (the day the calf was born ironically). And they spent the night since Monday was Labor Day. We went out for Johnny Carinos, and I didn't count my calories that day! LOL I got so many great gifts! I got a pillow that stays cool. It is amazing! It's an ISO-Cool pillow in case you too like cold pillows! I got a gold/silver/bronze dolphin necklace/earring set from my parents besides the pillow along with giraffe slippers and a Dream necklace. They spoil me! But seeing them was the best gift I could ask for. Nate gave me lotion and body spray as well as ironing on a giraffe patch to my kickball shirt since I was the "Giraffe Whisperer." I didn't make that up, but I sure like it! He also got me FLOWERS and a dolphin watch bracelet. IT's blingy, but I love it! His fam gave me a new purse, bill-fold, shirt, bracelet, and an awesome pic of Micah! My aunt even sent me a cookbook, candy, notepad, fancy new bic girlie pens, decoration and a cool little ceramic pot. I am spoiled. I went up to Fargo the following Monday and spent time with some friends there. I miss seeing them all the time. I miss college cause you got to keep learning and you saw your friends all the time. Ugh. Time goes by too quickly. If you're reading this, thank you. I'm awful at posting but when I do it's a long one! And I miss you. Call whenever. I sound busy, but I've always got time for you. Love, Nessa

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